T. Introduction

 It is commonly accepted as a common belief that the right to privacy is one of the comprehensive right to profit of the personality, however as for one side,there is an opinion which points out about the contradiction to it.(1) Moreover, it doesn't reach the conclusion that the definition of the right to privacy and the scope of the assurance of it.What is the primary element of the definition difficulty.
 Only 100 years has passed since the right to privacy is recognized as one of the legal right and also the history of it as a legal right is very short when it is compared with the honor right.It is just a recent thing to come to be recognized in general as a legal right.And then, coming into contact with another person is indispensable to a human being except for the desert or a poler region where no man doesn't approach.Problems such as the protection of the privacy and infringement to it is always lies for the human whole of a life.A standard for the protection of the privacy depends on the subjectivity of the person.In other words,the cultural background that the person belongs to,the position of him,the individual value,and the sensitivity of individual is always changing so it can't be defined in general.These are the reason of the difficulty to define the right to privacy.
 We are in an information oriented society and also in the drastic change of the world.The right to privacy is also changing as a passive right.I would like to observe it from its appearance as a legal right to the approval as a tort law right.

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